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Running Down The Rabbit Hole

I am a male dom looking for a sub to play with in person. I live near a city in Western Washington in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). I firmly believe that none of the activities I share here should be done in the real world without the enthusiastic consent of all parties involved. Real Dom's respect and insist upon safe words. I occasionally role play, if you want to RP or just chat about whatever I'm on Discord or Session, just ask for my username. Saying it once more, I Am A Male Dom. Boys popping in trying to dom me will be given a polite clarification then blocked if they persist. You'll find a variety of content here that will include (but not be limited to) Dominance/Submission, Pain Play, Humiliation Play, Race Play (not Racism, if you can't differentiate between the two leave please), Bimbos, Lactation/Hucow, Pet Play, and more. Some day's it will be darker intense stuff, sometimes relatively light weight, depends on my mood. Almost no original content, so if you see something that's yours and you don't want it here let me know.

i found a Master

Hello all my followers. If you haven't noticed, i have been pretty silent on here for the past few days, but i had good reason. i am proud to report that i am now an owned bitch who is owned by her Master. (As all cunts should be). 

Over the last few days my Master has been training me (and amber who He also now owns) to be a His good girl. It has been wonderful, and literally a dream come true for me. 

i've shown Master my blog and He has ordered me to tell Y/you all about my new Master, and all about my new status.

My Master is not exactly the kind of Man i thought i would submit to in all honesty. He is not a jock alpha type but instead actually quite introverted quite and a self proclaimed nerd. He is not conservative but actually quite progressive in mind. Except for when it comes to cunts  of course, in that area Master is a massive and unapologetic misogynist. 

Honestly though, i love that about Him, on the surface He is a quite unassuming but wow does He know how to put me in my place and dominate me!

Master is also uncircumcised, which is a huge plus. i LOVE uncircumcised cock!!!! 

As for amber, the cunt i was formerly training, Master has claimed her too, and our relationship has changed.

amber and i are no longer friends. we are now rival slaves. Competing against each other to please our shared Master. (Though its more a friendly rivalry if anything. Though we have been getting into quite a few verbal spats as of late. The fun kind of course)

One fun thing Master has been doing is making amber and i look as identical as possible. When Master takes us out, we have to wear identical outfits, He has made both of us dye our hair black, and cut in the same style. (shoulder length straight with bangs. I miss my longer hair, but for Master i will do as i am told) Master says that He is doing this to teach us that cunts are interchangeable.

So to summarize. i now have a Master. amber is now my rival slave. My Master is greatest and i hope He keeps teaching me to be a very very good girl.

Seriously though, i've wanted this for so long. Having this collar around my neck is quite literally a dream come true for me. 

Ok, this is going to be a long one, but hang in there, it's important. 

First off, I want to congratulate @IExistToServeMen on finding her man/master. Congrats girl, sounds like a really good get.

however, the majority of this post will be about this paragraph here, because it's really important.
"My Master is not exactly the kind of Man i thought i would submit to in all honesty. He is not a jock alpha type but instead actually quite introverted quite and a self proclaimed nerd. He is not conservative but actually quite progressive in mind. Except for when it comes to cunts  of course, in that area Master is a massive and unapologetic misogynist."

This, so much this. This is why site can be so frustrating at times. Because folks will go on about Male superiority, women being property/existing to server men, etc. Great, I love it, if that's how you want to live, I am totally there for it. I dream of having a slave/highly obedient-wife or two myself. But then, then they'll bring up Trump, Maga, The Republican party, or occasionally other similarly aligned movements from Europe. 🤢🤮🤢 

Good gods No. Look, I know it seems like the only political group who claims to support male superiority is the modern conservative movement but you really need to look at the whole package. Look at what is actually being done. First and most importantly, let's talk about both sides approach to relationships and family. The stereotype about the left is judgy people going on and on about objectification and misogyny and Toxic patriarchy and all that. But stop, how does it work IRL? What does the left do if a man and a woman both believe in male superiority and decide to have a relationship where the man leads and the girl obeys? Nothing. "If that's how you want to live your life" "I don't want to yuck someone else's yum" "Well they're both consenting adults..." "Not my thing but you do you." as long as both people stay out of the hospital, bottom line, the left will stay out of your personal relationship, even if they don't like it. Maybe they bitch a bit, so what, still your life. 

Now, what is the right actually doing right now in relation to sex and the relationship between men and women? Well, let's see... They're working to take away your choice about when you have kids. I mean, sure plenty of people here including myself like to talk about women as made for carrying a man's seed and things like that. But do you really want it to be the government who decides when that happens? You want the choice of consequence, child free sex until you're ready to breed her, right? Doesn't work so well if Abortion is illegal, birth control is almost impossible to get, and teachers aren't allowed to teach how to fuck without getting pregnant, does it? Roe V Wade. Removed by conservative hands. 

Now we need to talk about project 2025. A literal blueprint worked up by hundreds of people from the first Trump administration for how his next term in office will go. Now there's a whole lot of crazy stuff in there, but I think considering where we are, we need to talk about this part. This is a porn site, let's be real. We're all here to enjoy and discuss explicit, pornographic images and videos. Project 2025 calls for a blanket ban on porn. Don't believe me? Follow the damn link. This site is likely to be shut down if Maga/the republican party is allowed to have its way. 

And then... Ok there's more, Republicans taking away the choice of parents on how to treat their children, regulating how you fuck and so much more... But even if none of that was true, even if MAGA/Republicans were the profamily, pro-patriarchy, Pro-sexism and your freedom to do whatever organization they claim to be... I still won't touch them with a 10 ft pole, because their other policies are going to get us all killed. Like, in several ways. 

Climate change is real. For fucks sake, you can see the change in less than a human lifetime at this point. I remember when it used to rain most of the time in my area. Now there are entire months where not a drop falls from the sky. Doesn't sound bad? Sun good? Yeah, sure, and the forest fires that have us choking on smoke for months at a time, I'm sure those are great for my lungs. They never got this bad before. Fuck, don't take my word for it, look around, look up how often it's rained in your area, how hot it gets, how hot it used to get. it's all online, out there for anyone to see. public record. Or listen to the literally millions of scientists who spent decades of their lives learning about this stuff when they scream and cry that we aren't doing enough and the planets dying around us because of all the crap we keep putting into the air and water. Republicans do their darndest to sabotage green power and actively promote power sources that will kill all of us. You can't have/be your happy slave wife if you're both dead from heat stroke, wildfire, or toxic fume inhalation. 

Money. Let's be real, there isn't enough money in the world for us all to be billionaires. We need to learn how to share, or we're going to end up with literally billions of wage slaves laboring in inhumane conditions for at most a few thousand extremely wealthy folks. Come on, this shouldn't be a hard one. I know a lot of people on the right and the left hate the billionaire elites these days. What I don't understand is how one can stand there and say you hate the wealthy elites who are disconnected from reality (some of whom are literally proven pedophiles, looking at you Jeffrey Epstein and probably several of his friends) and then turn around vote for/endorse a party whose bedrock economic policy is tax cuts for the rich and cutting labor/industrial regulation. The little guy doesn't win against the arch villain by walking up and punching him in the face (their minions simply grab him), He gets a few thousands/millions of his friends together and as one says "you can't push us around anymore." I would recommend Unions. Or the federal government when it's run by people who actually work for the whole. The Only thing stopping your boss's boss's boss from treating you even worse than they do now is your union or government regulation saying they have to treat you as more than just some cog in their machine. Think, who actually supports unions, who will the unions tell you support them? Who wants the markets (Ie, corportations) to be able to do whatever they want? they're not going to pay you good wages out the goodness of their hearts. that wouldn't maximize profit. 

Tying that back into patriarchy and BDSMlr, how exactly are you supposed to live the idealized life of a working man supporting his wife/fucktoy(s) and kids if he wants... on just his salary, when he's paid the bare minimum his employer can get away with? How's a man supposed to support you on nothing a day? Sure, you can fantasize about being/being owned by some multimillionaire hedge fund manager from wall street or whatever, but be real, there's not that many of them, they all started out rich as fuck. You want this to happen in the real world, normal jobs are going to have to pay a good living wage. The left is working for that. The right is trying to stop it. 

In short, MAGA/Trump/Republicans are a death cult that's going to get us all killed and make life horrible along the way. Patriarchy or no. Vote for the people that will make the life we want possible (the left), not the ones who say we already have it while making that life more and more difficult to achieve. This is connected to the post I shared because it demonstrates something very important. You don't have to be universally right leaning to be happy to treat girls as the property they/you are. There are guys like him out there who will treat you right, while not getting us all killed. He's one. So am I. Please think about it. 

@DykeCravesBreeding I thought you might be interested. 
